DSC ART WARS is a unique art non-fungible token (NFT) collection. Each piece is an episode of an epic saga that externalizes the inner dialogues of web3 and the relationship between a powerful art collector & the Art Empire and the resistance led by a group of noble art creators & small collectors who want to restore balance to the art world.

  • Vader's Art Guard

    "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." - Aristotle

    Vader's Art Guard is the first episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, first of the 'The Art Awakens' series. Operating under Imperial intelligence, Vader has a team of Death Troopers and others as protective detail for him and his most prized art possessions. In Vader's Art Guard, one of Vader's top guards sits in the shadows and protects a portrait of a young Benjamin Franklin called 'Ben The First American'.

  • The Window

    "Art is the window to man's soul. Without it, he would never be able to see beyond his immediate world; nor could the world see the man within." - Lady Bird Johnson

    The Window is the second episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, second of the 'The Art Awakens' series. In The Window, Vader is reflecting as he stares out the window. The piece has flashing animation on both portraits in the background. Vader's ability to focus and examine inward despite the chaos of the portraits around him parallels many our own realities where we have to be able to focus and find peace within whatever chaos that may persist outside of us in our environment. This piece includes a portrait of a young John Adams as 'John The Colossus of Independence'.

  • Art Study

    “It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” — SENECA

    Art Study is the third episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, third of the 'The Art Awakens' series. In Art Study, Vader is studying art, building his knowledge base and collectors eye to spot the next big thing. This piece includes a portrait in the background of a young Abraham Lincoln as 'Abe The Ancient One'.

  • The Exhibit

    "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." - Aristotle

    The Exhibit is the fourth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, fourth of the 'The Art Awakens' series. In the Exhibit, Vader is admiring three art pieces of contrasting styles in an Imperial art exhibition. Each piece reflects different aspects about Vader. The Exhibit incorporates a portrait of a millennial variant of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as 'Franklin The Sphinx' (left), Lake Peace (middle), and LIVESTRONG (right).

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  • Texting Vader

    "To believe, one must have lost God. To paint, one must have lost art." — Gerhard Richter

    Texting Vader is the fifth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, first of the 'The Resistance' series. In Texting Vader, Boba Fett is on security detail and finds that one of Vader's paintings is gone. The thieves left a post-it note signed with the insignia of the resistance and it reads, "Too Late". A cell phone was also left behind with message of a possible next target. Boba Fett sends Vader a text immediately to inform him of the situation.

  • Art Heist

    “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” — Pablo Picasso

    Art Heist is the sixth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, second of the 'The Resistance' series. In Art Heist, a member of the resistance, Tristan Wren, is stealing art from Vader and the Art Empire. One piece, in particular, catches his eye and he must have it. The piece is called "Darkness Falls". To send a message to Vader and the entire Art Empire regime, he leaves a post-it note signed with the insignia of the resistance.

  • The Way

    “Painting is the grandchild of nature. It is related to God.” — Rembrandt van Rijn

    The Way is the seventh episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, third of the 'The Resistance' series. In The Way, Din Djarin (Mando) in standing in front of a stolen piece of art, taken from Art Empire. He holds in his hands post-it notes that read, "Too Late", signaling his involvement with the resistance.

  • Obi Careful

    "The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore." - Vincent Van Gogh

    Obi Careful is the eighth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, fourth of the 'The Resistance' series. In Obi Careful, an Obi-Wan Kenobi is on an art heist. As he approaches the art he notices a post-it note next to it, which is a signature of the resistance, but no one from the resistance posted it there. He get's closer and notices it is from Vader and becomes aware that he is possibly being watched. The note reads, "Be care not to choke on your aspirations".

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  • The Briefing

    “The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.” — Alberto Giacometti

    The Briefing is the ninth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, first of the 'Revenge of the Collector' series. In The Briefing, Vader is given a detailed breakdown of what has been taken by the resistance. He digests the information as he admires an abstract painting of Luke Skywalker called 'Art Master'.

  • Back Against Da Wall

    "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. Please remember that your difficulties do not define you. They simply strengthen your ability to overcome." ― Maya Angelou.

    Back Against Da Wall is the tenth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, second of the 'Revenge of the Collector' series. In Back Against Da Wall, one of Vader's art guards is being punished for the recent activity of the resistance. Valuable pieces of art have been taken and the Art Empire is not happy. Now, he is not allowed to have a chair on duty and has defaulted to the misery of wall sits for rest as he guards the original drawing of "Vitruvian Vader". At this point in the war, both Vader and his guards have their back against the wall and must do something to halt the efforts of the resistance.

  • Rat Trap

    "Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth." ― Pablo Picasso

    Rat Trap is the eleventh episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, third of the 'Revenge of the Collector' series. In Rat Trap, Vader has captured a member of the resistance attempting to heist a prized painting owned by the Art Empire. He is able to persuade information out of the member using force, getting critical details on the next moves of the resistance. The resistance member has now turned informant to the Art Empire in trade for mercy on his life from Vader.

  • dARTh Knight

    "Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced." ― Leo Tolstoy

    dARTh Knight is the twelfth of the DSC ART WARS collection, fourth of the 'Revenge of the Collector' series. In dARTh Knight, Vader is energized more than ever to put an end to the resistance and the war with the new intel from the informant.

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  • Fahrenheit 45

    “A spark neglected makes a mighty fire.” ~ Robert Herrick

    Fahrenheit 45 is the sixteenth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, fourth of the 'The Last Creator' series. Fahrenheit 45 is a commentary on censorship and ideological repression in the modern era. The core theme pulls from the novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’, but instead of burning books, Kylo Ren is burning a portrait of a millennial variant of Donald Trump as 'Don The Great'. Fueled by his anger, Ren seeks to destroy the legacy of the resistance and the last creator.




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  • Vitruvian Vader

    'Vitruvian Vader' is Darth Vader rendition of 'The Vitruvian Man' by the Italian Renaissance artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci. It is the companion edition piece to 'Back Against Da Wall'.

  • Abe The Ancient One

    'Abe The Ancient One' is the companion edition piece to Art Study, the third episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, third of the 'The Art Awakens' series.

  • Jedi Master

    Jedi Master is the companion edition piece featured in 'The Briefing', ninth episode of the DSC ART WARS collection, first of the 'Revenge of the Collector' series.

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